Visiting Professor at the Department of Convergence of Climate and Environmental Studies, TESOL and International Studies
학력 및 경력 사항
- Ph.D., Social Policy at University of Birmingham, U.K.
- M.A., Public Administration (Welfare Administration) at University of Seoul, Korea
- LL.B., Law at Seokyoung University, Korea
전공 및 연구 분야
- 도시의 기후변화 대응(완화,적응)
- 세계 도시의 지속가능발전과 국제협력
- 대기오염과 대응정책 실행과 거버넌스
- 기후환경과 에너지관련 복지, 환경정의
- 환경생태와 사막화 방지
- 질적조사연구
- Visiting Professor at the Department of Climate and Environmental studies, Graduate School, Sookmyung Women's University (2018-present)
- German government-funded Ambitious City Promises Advisor of the ICLEI (2018-present)
- Lecturer at the Korea University to students for international environment issues (2015-2017)
- Head of the department of Climate Change and Sustainability, the head of the department of Climate and Air pollution and the deputy directors of several departments in Seoul Metropolitan Government (2005-2016)
- Lecturer, Gradual School of Urban Science, University of Seoul from (2006-2011)
주요 연구 업적

🌏 Contact Details
수련교수회관 203호
[email protected]